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xi3: Tuning Program for the Ewald Summation

xi3 in RYUON-stokes package is a tuning program for ewald summation parameter $ \xi $.

For simplicity, here we show the equation for F version.

$\displaystyle 6\pi\mu a
\bm{U}^\alpha$ $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle \bm{F}^\alpha
\bm{M}(\bm{r}_{\beta\alpha} + \bm{r}_\gamma)
\cdot\bm{F}^\beta$ (2.20)
  $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle \bm{F}^\alpha$ (2.21)
    $\displaystyle +
\bm{M}^{\rm real}(\bm{r}_{\beta\alpha} + \bm{r}_\gamma)
\cdot\bm{F}^\beta$ (2.22)
    $\displaystyle +
\sum_{\beta = 1}^{N}
\tilde{\bm{M}}^{\rm recip}(\bm{k}_\lambda)
\cdot\bm{F}^\beta$ (2.23)
    $\displaystyle -
\bm{M}^{\rm recip}(\bm{r} = \bm{0})
,$ (2.24)

where $ \gamma$ is a index of lattice vector $ \bm{r}_\gamma = (n_x l_x, n_y l_y, n_z l_z)^\dagger$ for arbitrary integers $ (n_x, n_y, n_z)$, $ \bm{r}_{\beta\alpha} = \bm{x}^\alpha - \bm{x}^\beta$. The prime on the summation of particle $ \beta$ in real-space lattice sum means that the self part ( $ \beta = \alpha$) is excluded for the primary cell $ \bm{r}_{\gamma_0} = \bm{0}$. The mobility matrix $ \bm{M}(\bm{r})$ is so called Rotne-Prager-Yamakawa tensor given by
$\displaystyle \bm{M}(\bm{r})$ $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle \frac{3a}{4}
\bm{J}(\bm{r})$ (2.25)
  $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle \frac{3}{4}
\right]$ (2.26)
  $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle \left(
.$ (2.27)

Because it is long-range interaction proportional to $ 1/r$, we need to take huge number of periodic images. The trick of Ewald summation technique is that using the identity

$\displaystyle {\rm erfc}(x) + {\rm erf}(x) \equiv 1,$ (2.28)

we split $ \bm{M}(\bm{r})$ into two parts, $ \bm{M}^{\rm real}$ and $ \bm{M}^{\rm recip}$ as
$\displaystyle \bm{M}^{\rm real}$ $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle \left(
{\rm erfc} (\xi r),$ (2.29)
$\displaystyle \bm{M}^{\rm recip}$ $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle \left(
{\rm erf} (\xi r)
.$ (2.30)

Because the error function $ {\rm erfc}(x)$ decays exponentially, we can truncate the lattice summation of $ \gamma$ for $ \bm{M}^{\rm real}$ at some point. Similarly, in reciprocal space, $ \tilde{\bm{M}}^{\rm recip}(\bm{k})$ decays exponentially in $ k$ so that we can truncate the lattice sum of $ \lambda$ at some point.

Mathematically, the parameter $ \xi $ introduced in Eqs. (2.29) and (2.30) is arbitrary. It specify how fast $ \bm{M}^{\rm real}(\bm{r})$ decays and how slow $ \tilde{\bm{M}}^{\rm recip}(\bm{k})$ decays. Practically, on the other hand, we can choose the optimal value of $ \xi $ so that the calculation time is minimal.

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